Some of you have Mistaken this for Dave's blog. He was kind enough to post his excellent guide here but it is not his blog.
or copy and paste the url below
A place for things related the the CPNE that I hope will help you pass. If you have anything to add please email me. Thanks
Please clarify.... this is from your study guide:
Skin Assessment
You may be assigned two designated areas of skin to assess. If not assigned specific areas you may choose 2 at your own discretion. If you choose peri anal & sacral/coccyx you immediately fail the entire CPNE and will not be allowed to try again. The list of possible skin areas include, but are not limited to, the heels, sacral/coccyx, occiput, trochanter, skin folds, and peri anal.
Why would we fail if we chose peri anal & sacral/coccyx??? Aren't those areas we could choose to asssess if not assinged?
i am trying to find Rob's video. Where can I find it?please post it somewhere.
You can find Rob's video here.
I bought it and found it very helpful, especially getting started.
Hi dave, thanks for all your notes they have been very helpful. i do have a quest. do you have a list of common nsg dx used for AOC on assmts. i have memorized the ones you listed for mgmt.
Thanks again for your terrific notes. i take my cpne at end of this month.
hi, I have just finished all my testing and am working on my cpne--no date yet, --thanks for all your comments and suggestions, can anyone tell me about the ohio site??
Hello, I am taking my CPNE in Milwaukee, Wisonsin, St. Joseph's Hospital. Has anyone taken it there? I have heard nothing about it.
Hi Dave I noticed you used the name jeshua are you a judeo christian ? I was just wondering you dont see that name used much. shalome
I am getting ready to take my CPNE for the third and last time. The first time I failed the wound. The second time I failed my rationale for my careplan. I need help.
My name is Emmie and I am looking for a CPNE candidate in the Fresno CA area...if you are studying,,,,pls contact me...I need a study partner pls...901-644-1104
usually for the areas of skin assessment the CP will let ypu know what area you need to assess. you can pick any to areas, like skin folds, coccyx, heel (need to asses both heels, they count as 1 area), hips (need to assess both hips), i just when to take my cpne last weekend, and as long as you pick to areas you pass.
I am testing in mansfield, ohio this weekend n just noticed they specify watch with a second hand, not a digital watch. Any recent test takers with input on whether or not a digital watch is allowed please e-mail me at thanks I'm under the gun
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